How to Boost Your Child's Imagination*


*This is a collaborative post*



Imagination is an important part of a child’s willingness to learn, to embrace and to explore what the world has to offer. It’s something that all children will naturally be able to discover, but it’s also something that your child will grow to love. Here are some ways as parents that we can boost your child’s imagination from this private school in Chelsea.

Use unstructured play

Having a child that’s never sure when their play time is will spark a lot of curiosity. They may even ask themselves for play time with their friends or siblings, but having play time that isn’t planned or arranged beforehand can make for a happy child. Boredom can set in fast and you’ll need some backup plans to use for rainy days and quiet days at home, so use unstructured play to facilitate this time.

Move your child away from the screen

The temptation to stick the TV on when you’re ironing or doing adult things to keep your child entertained can be high, but it’s actually wise to get your child picking up other activities aside from playing games or heading for your smartphone. Get out a range of toys from a handy box for them to play with, or allow them time outside to explore in the garden or responsibly with a sibling. If you let them take the lead, they’ll be more motivated to pick up games that they’re really keen to play.

Give your child the freedom to plan their days

A lot of a child’s imagination will come naturally, and a big part of that is showing your child what they can do with the tools in front of them. Perhaps they want to grab some chalk and draw on the concrete, or grab their bucket and spade and make things in the sandpit. Your child may also want to create a wacky-looking cake, and they may cause a lot of mess, but that’s all a part of the process and it’s okay to let things look messy for a few hours. 



*Photo via Pexels

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