How To Grow Your Blog

As a blogger you want your blog to take off. You spend ages writing these amazing blog posts only to get a handful of people to read them. This isn’t because your content isn’t interesting, you could be writing the most useful posts, you are just not reaching your full amount of potential readers. 

Whilst you may have tried many tactics that haven’t worked and gained the desired results, here are some tried and tested methods that can be applied to help grow your readership. 

Respond To Comments

This is super important. You want to acknowledge your readers and take the time to acknowledge their time spent commenting and respond back to them. When responding to comments you want to engage in conversation, be thoughtful and respond accordingly. You want to be building a relationship with these readers and by doing this they will be encouraged to come back and continue reading and commenting further. Also, if they have their own blog you could go and read and comment on their posts too. By spending the time doing this, you are investing in building up a community of loyal readers and followers encouraging them to come back and continue to engage with your blog and content.

Although once your blog takes off, responding to all comments may become too much, it is still important to respond to as many as you can.  

Use Instagram

Instagram is widely used by bloggers and is a great way to gain new followers and engage with people. Instagram allows you to gain more followers. Then when new blog posts get shared you can share this on your Instagram stories and grid post attracting more readers. It offers a great way to build your network and reach out to other bloggers. Follow your favourite bloggers, comment and engage with their content, the more blogger friends you make the better. If your content resonates with them, they will share it and you will gain new readers.

Consider How Your Posts Are Written

It can be a daunting task moving from a personal blog to one that resonates with a wider audience. Try to take a step back and consider your blog from a marketing perspective. Is your blog relatable to a wider audience?

Consider the way you are trying to convey your message and the tone of your blog. If you want your blog to grow you need to not only have something to say that people want to read but also to say it in a way that encourages them to read the whole post and want to come back to read more in the future. A great tip is to get someone to read your posts and provide honest feedback on whether it is interesting, a bit wordy and whether it will interest people over actress the internet who do not know you. 

Once your blog has grown the next step is to start protecting what you have created. There is nothing worse than investing your time to make this work to then find that your creative tools get lost or stolen. So, when your blog is generating income, which it will use some of it to invest in insurance for your devices like your laptop and camera such as Aaduki Photography Insurance

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