Ensuring A Successful Garden In Spring*

Image Source Pexels

*This is a collaborative post*

The garden is one of the central parts of the home and somewhere to look after yourself for many people. If you are keen to make sure that yours is going to be as beautiful and complete as possible this year, then there are many things that you might want to focus on in order to make that happen. The truth is that having a successful garden is fairly easy as long as you know about the basics of what you need to do, so those are what we are going to take a look at in this article. As long as you take on board some of the following, you will find that it is incredibly easy to be able to have a more successful garden in spring - which will lead to a more successful garden all year round as well.

Start Your Seeds Early

If you are hoping to have some plants growing from seed, then you will need to make sure that you get in there early with regards to those seeds being sown. Many seeds take around 7-14 days to germinate, and some take up to six weeks, so the sooner you get them going, the better. Generally you can start sowing seeds outside from April onwards, but if you really want to get a head start you can grab a propagator and hydro set from Essex Hydro Gardens and start the seeds off indoors even earlier in the year, perhaps at the start of March even. The earlier you do this, the sooner you will have a garden brimming with life, so it’s absolutely a good way to go about getting going.

Encourage Life

One of the main goals of having a garden is trying to encourage as much life as you possibly can. The more you have in the way of insects, birds and bees, the better off your garden is - for both pollinating purposes and keeping other, less desired, pests away - and the better off the planet is too, for you are encouraging the ecosystem. The best way to get this started early, and so ensure a good garden later in the year, is to encourage as much life as possible, ideally by having plenty of native plants and flowers put in the ground early on. You will find this really makes a huge difference.

Planning In Autumn

The truth is that if you want a really successful spring garden, much of the necessary work will begin in the Autumn, when you need to do a lot of the preparation. If you can take some time in Autumn to prepare the soil, by ideally digging in some compost and fertilizer, then things will be in  much better position come Springtime. Of course, if you haven't done that, not all is lost - you will just need to do so now, and remember to do the same in this Autumn for the next spring instead. The better you plan it out early, the more lively your garden will be in springtime, so this is a good idea to follow.

*Contributed by Sam Jones

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