Making Time For Yourself*

Image Credit: Pexels
*This is a collaborative post*

Many people think that by making time for themselves, they are selfish when actually, putting yourself first is the total opposite of being selfish. Making time for yourself strengthens you and allows you to support others as best you can. You will be of no use to anyone if you have used all your energy on looking after other people and self-care is a really good solution to stress, as it builds resilience so you can cope with challenges easier. It’s just the same as when you’re on a plane, and you’re told to put on your oxygen mask first before you help others. While you should support others, you should nurture yourself first.

Life Is Short

You don’t ever want to be looking back with regret, so remember that happiness is what you make it and you can transform your life just by maintaining a positive outlook on it. Making time to take care of your body, take pride in your achievements, and value your contribution to the world around you as this will help you to be happy.

Self-fulfillment Make You Self-Awareness

Loving who you are and taking time to care for yourself is an exercise in self-discovery. To make yourself happy, you need to be informed understanding of what makes you feel happy and what doesn't.

You’ll Inspire Others

People often underestimate the influence that they have on their friends, family members, and coworkers, but when you make a significant change in your life, everyone around you will notice.
If you can’t make time for yourself, you can’t look after anyone else properly. Your relationships are a reflection of the person you are, and those closest to you will recognize your capacity to love (or lack thereof). When you learn to take care of yourself, you will eventually attract others who can do the same.

Image Source Pexels

So, What Does Self-Care Look Like?

Self-care is something that differs from person to person. You need to listen to that little voice inside of you to find out what makes you feel content.

Don’t Be Afraid To Seek Help

No matter what it is. While it can be difficult, it is also important to share your problems. Whether you need a cup of tea and a hug or you need to check yourself in for a massage at The Wellness Sanctuary, do it. If something is making you feel unwell, stressed or unhappy then sharing it is one of the most important things to do to take care of yourself as well as doing something you know will make you feel better.

As well as looking after your health, taking care of your body, skin, hair and teeth with regular appointments, also prepare and eat three healthy meals a day and avoid sugar fixes. Try to get outside every day and to exercise every day is also crucial. Make sure that you do something you enjoy every day and spend time with positive people too. 

*Contributed by Sam Jones

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