Top 5 Tips On Managing Your Pregnancy Discomforts*

*This is a collaborative post*

It’s natural to experience a fair amount of anxiety and discomfort during the course of your pregnancy. From morning sickness to swelling to incontinence, there are a plethora of issues that can arise to make it a less than fun experience for some. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, then don't worry as there are plenty of solutions out there. For instance, there are incontinence pants available online to help you deal with any embarrassing leaks, and your midwife will be at hand if you have any other questions or concerns. One particular topic you may wish to discuss is delayed cord clamping practice as many believe this to be more beneficial for the baby.

Below are our top 5 tips to help you manage some of the most common discomforts that you may experience during pregnancy:

  1. The most common issue that many women suffer during their pregnancy is morning sickness. The intensity of how bad it gets can vary considerably, from woman to woman with no real reason why one has it worse than the other.

When you’re pregnant, you can experience nausea and vomiting throughout the day during your first trimester. It is known to be particularly severe in the morning, hence the phrase ‘morning sickness’. Not only can it be unpleasant, but if it continues week after week into the pregnancy, it has been known to be the start of depression and even cases where the pregnant mother resents being pregnant and does not look forward to continuing the pregnancy.

So, how can you help manage it?

Morning sickness is said to be aggravated by travel, stress and eating specific foods which may be either too spicy or excessively fatty. A possible solution to minimising the nausea is to eat more frequently, but smaller and healthier meals rather than a few big meals.

A diet that is high in protein and complex carbohydrates can help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.

If you are experiencing a particularly nasty bout of vomiting, then this may be indicative of a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition can cause severe dehydration so contact your doctor if you are finding your nausea and vomiting is particularly dreadful.

  1. Bleeding gums are also a potential issue that you may face while pregnant. The reason for the bleeding gums during this period is due to the fact that your gums become spongier while pregnant. They become more spongy as your blood flow increases.  This, in turn, causes them to bleed much more easily than they normally would.

You can manage this issue by taking extra care of your teeth and visiting your dentist for more frequent checkups. You’ll find that this issue usually disappears by itself once you’ve given birth.

  1. During pregnancy, many women can experience skin issues. As your hormones fluctuate you can get patches of dark pigmentation on your face. This is known as chloasma or the ‘mask of pregnancy’. The good news is that usually goes away soon after your delivery.  

To manage this issue, make sure you use plenty of sunscreen. This will help reduce the risk of any patches further darkening in the sun.

Another skin problem that causes many pregnant women to despair is the appearance of stretch marks. These appear in places like their abdomen and breasts as their body rapidly grows and changes. To prevent these, it is recommended that you apply a stretch mark prevention oil or cream all over your body. They can be hard to get rid of once they appear so prevention is key with these.

  1. Unfortunately, many pregnant women have reported that they experience more headaches than normal, especially during their first trimester. The cause of this is again probably due to hormonal changes.

To help manage your pregnancy headaches, make sure you are getting adequate rest. Feed yourself with nutritious and healthy food and most importantly always stay hydrated.

Before taking any medication for your migraines, make sure you consult your doctor. If your headaches are consistent and severe it is also important to check with your doctor that it isn’t a symptom of anything more serious.

  1. Swelling is commonly reported as another uncomfortable symptom of pregnancy, particularly in your leg area. It can be handled by lying on your side, moving your legs into an elevated position, or wearing comfortable shoes that provide support.

It is usually quite mild, but if your swelling is more severe please consult your doctor.

Hartmann Direct offers an extensive range of incontinence products and supplies, in different absorbencies and sizes. Find out more online or call 0800 028 9470.

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