Is Rural Life Right For Your Family?

With countryside views and peace like no other, rural living has an obvious pull. And, considering the mass exodus of cities like London in recent years, it seems like we’re all feeling that pull right now. 

Unfortunately, when you have a family, moving to a more rural location isn’t always as easy as just upping roots and getting stuck into the simple life. Especially if you’re coming from a big city, the rural switchover can come with a whole heap of extras that you’ll need to consider before you can make your new life work. 

Before you make the major decision of purchasing a property that’s way off the grid (or even just a little bit in the countryside), ask yourself, and your family, these three key questions to confirm that rural life really is the right move.

1 - Are your kids on board?

Your choice to go rural is probably at least somewhat dictated by a need to provide a more wholesome life for your kids. But make sure that it’s something your children actually want. 

Young kids might jump at the chance for all of that space to play in and explore. However, for older kids and teens, the idea of living away from friends and regular activities might sound terrible. Make sure to factor for this, and get the whole family on board before you do anything drastic. 

2 - Are you prepared for the changes?

It’s easy to assume that you’ll slip right into rural life, but there are a lot more changes to factor here than just a difference in scenery. On a basic level, rural living typically requires far more hefty commutes, meaning that a ten-minute stroll into work could turn into an hour or more with this move alone. Depending on how rural you get, you may also need to invest in a more rugged vehicle like these INEOS cars for sale, or at least something sturdy enough to keep you moving across mud, snow, and often potholed roads. 

With it being harder to get everywhere, you may also want to be more self-sufficient, and might need to dip your toes in vegetable growing or animal rearing. All this is going to cost money, so it’s vital to ensure you’re prepared and financially able to manage the change. 

3 - Would isolation be a problem?

Even if the technicalities of rural living don’t frighten you, the isolation can be a lot harder to deal with than you might imagine. A house that’s completely in the countryside may not even have any nearby neighbours. With a family to consider, you’ll also be further away from amenities like hospitals and schools, meaning that you need to work out what these distances would be, and whether or not that would be manageable for you as a family. 

Rural life is wonderful, but it isn’t right for everybody. These questions will help you make sure that the simple life is simply perfect for your family (or not)!

*Image via Pexels Image: CC0 Licence

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