Helping Your Child Prepare for Standardised Tests*

*This is a collaborative post*

Standardised tests are known to play a huge role in the education system. It is also stressed how important these tests are from a very young age. For a teacher, this is important to understand the progression of a student* and see where or how they can improve in order to advance. Although not everyone agrees that the examining system works for every child, it is unfortunately something you have to attempt to prepare your child for. As a parent, here are some ways to help your child prepare for these tests.

Ensure your child gets enough sleep. Sleeping helps to regenerate the body and mind which is key when it comes to exams as it takes a lot of energy out of the child. Alongside this, good balanced meals will help towards this. Make your child feel supported and as stress free as possible by providing them with the tools they may also need.

Encourage your child to have a good revising routine. Consistency is key when it comes to remembering information for tests. Test your child at home, go through their notes with them, ask questions and figure out where your child stands with their progression. Snowballing off of this, take the time to learn the schedule of the exams: dates, teachers and what to expect. This way you can keep a tab on where your child is with their learning. You can even enrol them onto further online learning like ACT tuition UK.

Relax and stay positive. The last thing anyone wants when they are dealing with stress, is an environment of people adding and fuelling to that stress. The best exam takers are the ones that stay calm and confident. Even if you are nervous, don’t show it and instead console your child and remind them of their abilities to do great. Teach them small methods of relaxation and always remind them that their very best is more than enough.

*Photo via Pexels

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