Wedding Planning Mistakes To Avoid*

*This is a collaborative post*

Wedding planning is exciting but it can also be very stressful. After all, there are so many different things that need to be considered, from your wedding dress and the table settings to the flowers and the music. And that is without even mentioning the guest list and the seating plan, which can often be the most difficult! With that being said, read on to discover some of the most common wedding planning mistakes people make so that you can avoid making them.

Listening to other people and adhering to their requests - You will be shocked by how many cheeky requests you get in the build-up to your wedding. People will ask you if they can sit next to their preferred friends at the wedding breakfast. There are then those who even ask if they can bring a friend along. Oh, and if you’re lucky, they will offer to pay for it, but that’s not really the point, is it? It is your wedding, so don’t give into the demands of others. Otherwise, you will find that it never ends.

Doing things before you have put together the guest list - You should not plan anything until you have a guest list. It can be exciting to order your save-the-dates and to look into the flower centrepieces you are going to have for your tables, but until you know the number of people you are going to be inviting, you won’t know your budget, and, therefore, it is impossible to work out exactly what you need.

Not hiring a wedding planner - Last but not least, trying to take on the entire task of planning a wedding yourself is admirable, but it is hard work - very hard work! There is a reason why people do this for a full-time job, as that is the level of effort that is required. Hiring a wedding planner will make your life so much easier, as they will know exactly what needs to be done and when, and they will have all of the contacts to make the process straightforward.

As you can see, there are a number of different mistakes that people tend to make when it comes to wedding planning. Hopefully, this will help you to make sure your wedding planning goes a lot smoother. It is important to remember that this is meant to be the best day of your life, so don’t worry about all of the stresses or what other people say to you, and focus on what you want instead.

*Image via Pexels

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