Goals For A New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a well deserved rest. I thoroughly enjoyed my time off. But now that 2016 is well and truly here it's time to boot myself up the backside and get back into the swing of things. Some of you will have noticed that I haven't got my new blog up and running yet. It will be ready very soon. There's just a few things we need to add before it can go live.

New year always brings with it a sense of 'newness'. Renewed vigour and enthusiasm. Resolutions. Excitement. Planning. And in true new years style I was feeling all of these things until I read a quote on Instagram that went something like this...

'A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.' 

(If anyone knows who the author is then please feel free to let me know.)

This got me thinking. I am a notorious dreamer. I know it, you know it, my friends and family know it. But where will dreaming get me with no goals and/or planning? Without taking the required action? Truth be told I have a terrible habit of starting things and then not finishing them. This is usually because I have half a dozen other tasks whirring around in the back of my mind. Which I guess is fine if I don't want to ever go anywhere in life right? The thing is, I do want to go places in life. So the answer to all this is clear. Obviously I need to become much more organized. Maybe even make a sort of life plan. Break my dream down into steps with deadlines for each. No more putting things off until tomorrow then! And no more not finishing things either! Come December 31st we'll see how far I've come. 
I'm inviting you all to do the same. If nothing else it'll be interesting to compare notes and to see how far we've progressed in twelve months.

Seeing as lots of other bloggers have shared their personal goals for 2016, I'm jumping on the bandwagon too. Here are a few of mine:

1. Publish a blog post once a week.
2. De-clutter my living space - clear surroundings, clear mind!
3. Stick to a budget instead of spending carelessly. My debts won't pay off themselves!
4. Make time for me. Even if it's just going for a massage or a quiet walk.
5. Make more time for my friends who got a little neglected last year. So sorry about that lovelies.
6. Get on a train and go somewhere. Anywhere. But on my own. (I must admit this one panics me slightly.)
7. Take better care of myself both physically and mentally - This is where healthier eating, exercise and mindfulness classes will come in!
8. Take my camera with me everywhere and practice my photo taking. 
9. Get into a better routine of writing so my novel can get back on track. I have neglected it somewhat these last few months.
10. Travel to new places - in the UK. I still don't have a passport!
11. Get a passport!
12. Learn to swim. (This terrifies me the most!)

Bad habits to break - 

Starting something to then not finish. 
Being late. 
Being argumentative. Yes really. I am the worst. I have an answer for everything. Hoping to be a little, shall we say 'calmer' this year. One can always hope... :)

Have a lovely week everyone! Lots of love... Justine xxx



  1. They're lovely resolutions! I want too make new friends and be myself more this year & just be a happy person! :)
    Amazing post xxx


    1. Thankyou, I hope you achieve your own goals too. It's always lovely making new friends. Learning to be yourself and to also be comfortable with it will bring you so much contentment for sure. Good luck lovely! Xx

  2. Good luck hun! You can do it :) You'll smash those goals, I know! x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x


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