Pursuing Career Progression Overseas*

*This is a collaborative post*

The majority of people tend to spend the majority of their lives in the country that they happened to be born in. Sure, we may be travelling more and heading to more varied destinations when it comes to vacations and short stints of exploration. However, when it comes down to it, the most part of us will live and work relatively close to the place that we were born. There are various reasons for this. Some of us are simply drawn into habit, while some of us stick with what we know and revel in familiarity. However, it’s extremely important to remember that the world really is your oyster - especially when it comes to your career. You don’t necessarily have to stick in one place, and sometimes better opportunities further from home will present themselves to you. Here are a few pieces of advice that you may want to consider should you decide to venture further afield.

Have The Contact Details Of An Immigration Solicitor

One of the most important contacts that you can have when you are pursuing a career overseas are those of reliable immigration solicitors. These individuals can help you to take care of all of the legal work entailed in moving and working in a country that you are not native to, or are not yet a citizen of. First, they will be able to help you out with visa processing. Immigration laws and procedures vary from one country to another and can prove to be very complex, especially if you are not already familiar with the legal lexicon entailed in all of the paperwork that you are inevitably going to have to carry out as part of the visa application process. Once you’ve moved to your chosen country and started work, things should go swimmingly. But if you do receive a notice of problems and are threatened with deportation, an immigration lawyer can help you to avoid deportation and adjust your given status.

Learn The Local Language

Sure, you may not need to speak a second language in order to land a job in a foreign country. However, if the country that you intend to move to has a different first language to the language that you speak, it really is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basics. While you may not need to communicate in a different language in the workplace, chances are that you are going to have to be able to converse with other people in order to get by in other aspects of your day to day life while living in the area - from asking for directions to placing orders in restaurants and bars. Start taking language lessons in the first language of the country you intend to move to, and make use of language software such as Rosetta Stone or Duolingo.

These are just a couple of pieces of advice for anyone who is considering taking the leap and working in a country that they are relatively unfamiliar with. Hopefully, they will help you along the way!

*Contributed by Sam Jones. *Header image via Pexels

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