Travelling The World Needn't Break The Bank*

*This is a collaborative post*

There are lots of reasons why people choose to go traveling for extended periods of time. Some want to get away from their life at home for a bit, especially if they have just come out of a really dark and testing time, while others enjoy some solo travel as a means to find themselves and figure out who they really are. Students often go traveling as part of their gap year and to enjoy themselves before the time comes to settle into full-time studies.

On the face of it, traveling the world seems like a really great idea, and one that can bring you many personal benefits. Unfortunately, though, there are often some things that stand in the way of people heading off on a big travel adventure; one of the main ones being money. There is no denying that traveling the world can be expensive. But these following tips can help you bring down some of those expenses.

Start Saving Well In Advance

Obviously, you will need to save some money before you leave home for your exciting destination. The more money you can save, then the more you will be able to put towards your travels, which can really help you enjoy your trip. Ideally, you should start saving at least a year before you go so that you give yourself chance to build up a sizeable pot of savings to take with you.

Work While You Are Abroad

If your visa allows you to, you should consider working while you are traveling. That doesn’t mean that you need to find a bar or cafe job - if you take your laptop with you, you could become a virtual assistant or a content writer. All you will need is your laptop and an internet connection, and you are good to go. If you have a travel blog, you could also consider monetising it to make a bit of extra spending money.

Fix Your Finances

If your current financial situation isn't so great, you might want to think about fixing it before you leave. Using sites like to fix your credit score and starting to pay off your debt and credit card bills could help you free up some extra money. And this extra cash can be used to fund your travels.

Pace Your Spending

Once you do arrive at your destination, it’s a good idea to pace your spending. That way, you don’t run the risk of spending all of your savings in the first few weeks. You should consider setting yourself a weekly budget to help stay in control of your spending.

Set Yourself A Goal

What’s your main goal of traveling the world? You can see some possible ones at It’s important you set yourself a goal and then stick to it. This can keep you focused on your budget to help you achieve it.

As you can see then, your around the world trip doesn’t have to break the bank!

*Photo by Pexels

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for these tips! Especially regarding the working visa!
    Debs @


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