Why You Should Use Natural Materials To Decorate Your Home*

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*This is a collaborative post*

Trends in home design are always changing. While modern styles that used plastic and metal surfaces were once fashionable in recent years, people are now starting to move more toward natural materials like wood and stone. While they sometimes might be a little more expensive, they do come with a lot of benefits. One of the reasons that people are deciding to opt for more natural materials instead of processed synthetic materials is that they’re better for the environment. Environmental concerns are increasingly important in all areas of life, and home decor is just the latest in a long line of eco-friendly trends. Beyond that, natural materials are an excellent design choice for these reasons;

They’re Tougher

Modern materials are often made quite cheaply and that means they’re more likely to break. If you’ve got chipboard kitchen cupboards with a plastic coating on, it’ll start to peel away after a couple of years and look tatty. A solid wood cupboard door, for example, is likely to last much longer. While it might get chips and scratches, you can always sand it down and refinish it, which you can’t do with cheap plastic alternatives. The only thing to remember is that you need to be more careful with the cleaning materials that you’re using on natural materials. Harsh chemicals won’t be good for solid wood doors or granite worktops etc.  

They’re Timeless

If you decorate your house with modern decor that’s very on trend, your house will be the envy of all your friends, for the first couple of years anyway. After that, people will move on to the next big thing and your house will suddenly be outdated and garish. You don’t have this problem with natural wood and stone because it’s always in fashion which means that you won’t need to decorate anywhere near as often.

They’re Unimposing

Image From Maxpixel

When you’re decorating your house, you don’t want to plaster the walls in mismatched colors that are harsh on the eye. This is particularly important in areas like the kitchen or garden where you want a more natural feel. Paving your patio with natural limestone from somewhere like Bradstone Paving, for example, gives you an aesthetic that blends in with the rest of the garden without being too imposing. The same goes for wooden and stone worktops in the kitchen.

It Can Be Cheaper

While buying wood and stone can be more expensive, you’ve got the opportunity to use reclaimed and recycled materials more often. That’s perfect for anybody that is concerned about the environmental impact of their home as well as the cost of redecorating. Using reclaimed wood for floors and worktops takes a big chunk off the price of doing out the house, as long as you’re willing to put the time in. You can also get a lot of cheap wooden furniture second hand and restore it to cut costs as well.

Using natural materials to decorate and furnish your home is often cheaper, more environmentally friendly and you don’t have to worry about going out of style every few years.

*Contributed by Sam Jones

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