Life must go on...

Hello lovelies... It's been a while I know and I am so sorry for my lack of posts/updates. If you're all wondering why I've been awol it's due to my nanna being incredibly poorly. I've always been very close to her and even though at her age of 91 I should probably be better prepared for what's coming, she's still my Nanna and I'm finding it very hard to deal with. As such I've had neither the inclination or motivation to write anything for weeks. That said, at some point I have to pick myself up and carry on. Afterall, my Nanna would be berating me right now if she knew I hadn't been keeping up with my blog posts or my novel. Of everyone I've ever known, it was always her that has had the uttermost faith in me. When people told me to be realistic, it was my Nanna who told me to go for my dream. Knowing that she won't live to see me fulfill those dreams hurts like hell. But more than ever I am now determined to succeed for the both of us.
None of us live forever. In a world filled with much uncertainty this is one of life's facts. Enjoy your loved ones and make every moment count, so that even when they're gone, you at least have memories to last a lifetime. 
Lots of love Justine xxx

P.s girlgonedreamer will be back soon... X

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