Beginners Guide To Joint Supplements*

*This is a collaborative post*

Our joints are highly sophisticated units that allow us to move and keep up with our day-to-day demands. Given their importance, we only really appreciate how important they are when they let us down. Unfortunately, joint issues such as arthritis are some of the most common ailments worldwide. This has prompted many of us to pay more attention to our joints and ways we can improve our lifestyle to fight off the issues that are debilitating for so many.

In this article we are going to look at some of the best supplements to take if you are aiming to prevent joint issues from occurring or are looking to combat already present problems.

Why Take Supplements for Joint Health?

All nutritionists would agree that we should try and get every nutrient we need through the diet and only use supplements to make up for any shortcomings. However this is an issue when it comes to joint health, as many of the nutrients that support the joints are not found in any significant amount in the diet.

Although the body naturally creates many of the special compounds the joints need for smooth functioning, factors such as advancing age, injury and a poor lifestyle can mean that we lose the ability to create a sufficient amount. More often than not, this leads to pain which impacts our lives. This is where carefully selected supplements come into play to restore the balance.

Which Supplements Are Best for the Joints?

To ensure the joints remain in good condition, it is crucial to take high quality supplements in the correct doses. In this section, we are going to walk through some of the best supplements for the joints and how much should be taken for the best results.


Glucosamine is the most popular supplement for joint health, with it being successfully used by millions worldwide on a daily basis. Although scientists aren’t 100% sure how glucosamine works, they are pretty confident that it is of benefit because it helps ensure the body has enough collagen. Collagen is a key structural protein in the body that is found in large amounts in the cartilage and connective tissue and therefore is crucial for trouble-free joints.

Glucosamine supplements come in two main forms, sulphate and hydrochloride (HCL). Both of these provide glucosamine, with the only difference being the ‘delivery vehicle’, as glucosamine by itself is not well absorbed. Glucosamine sulphate is derived from crustaceans, so is not suitable for vegetarians or those with a seafood allergy. As HCL is made from maize, it is a suitable option for people who cannot take the sulphate version.

For the best results, it appears that 1500mg per day is the dose to aim for. This can be taken in one dose or numerous smaller amounts throughout the day. Some people see the benefits within a matter of days, but most people feel an improvement to the joints within 4-12 weeks.


Although glucosamine is regularly taken by itself, it is also popular to take it alongside other nutrients which fall under the category of ‘perfect partners’. One of these is chondroitin which is another compound naturally found in the joints.

In the joints, chondroitin works by controlling inflammation – the same inflammation which can accelerate the breakdown of cartilage. Due to this benefit, research has shown that chondroitin supplementation can improve pain levels and flexibility through decreasing joint inflammation and swelling. Chondroitin has been shown time and time again to be a safe supplement, with most research studies using a dose of between 800-1200mg per day.


Rosehip is the fruit from a type of wild rose plant that is native to parts of Europe. It is famous for packing a vitamin C punch, as gram for gram it contains 10 times the amount of oranges! Vitamin C is an essential part of the diet that is known world over for its benefit to the immune system. However, it is also a crucial nutrient for joint health, as it plays an integral role in producing collagen.

Rosehip is much more than its vitamin C content however, as it contains polyphenols, which is the name nutritionists give to powerful plant-based compounds. These special nutrients are known to have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits which don’t just protect the joints but all cells throughout the body.

Findings fresh rosehip is not very common, so it is regularly consumed through extract supplements to provide a convenient daily dose. To experience the benefits shown in the published research, 5g per day is a good amount to aim for.


Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM for short, is another supplement that is effective for joint health by itself and even more so when taken alongside glucosamine. Although it is found in very small amounts in some fruits, vegetables and meats, an MSM supplement is the only viable way to obtain an amount that is beneficial.

MSM is one of the best sources of sulphur, which is a mineral that is used as a building block for healthy bones and joints. It also has a role in utilizing glucosamine to influence collagen production. Like glucosamine, 1500mg per day is the recommended dosage.

Thankfully, like the other supplements mentioned in this article, MSM is a safe supplement with very few side effect ever reported. The same cannot be said for over the counter painkillers which many people rely on to overcome joint issues. 


Throughout this article numerous references has been made to the important of collagen for healthy joints. Although the body certainly has the ability to produce collagen, certain factors can often mean that we cannot create a sufficient amount.

Due to this, supplements that provide collagen have become increasingly popular. Collagen supplements come in various forms, with marine and bovine collagen being the most common. Marine collagen is widely regarded as the best, so make sure you look for supplements that are derived from fish.

Collagen is not just taken for the joints however; it is also used to improve the condition of the skin, as after all, collagen is found in high amounts in the skin where it keeps it soft, hydrated and flexible. To experience the benefits to the joints and skin, 10g per day should be aimed for.

Fish Oils

Not all joint issues are mechanical in nature (osteoarthritis), some are rheumatic (rheumatoid arthritis). Although some of the aforementioned supplements exert anti-inflammatory benefits, they only do so in an isolated area. Fish oils, which are rich in omega 3s known as EPA and DHA are proven to combat inflammation throughout the body, and therefore are very effective for rheumatic pain.

Unlike the other supplements in this article, the omegas 3s are easily obtained through the diet, with oily fish such as salmon and mackerel being the best sources. However, if you do not like fish but still want to reap the benefits, a fish oil supplement is a good alternative. Look for a supplement that provides 250mg of EPA and DHA per day.


Hopefully this article has outlined some tried and tested supplements for improving the health and condition of the joints. However it must be said that their benefits are likely to be accentuated when taken as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, so make sure you make other positive changes for the greatest effect. Before taking any supplements, it is advised that you talk to a medical professional to ensure they are right for you.

*Contributed on behalf of Simply Supplements 

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