Getting Over Heartbreak In Six Steps*

Those of you who read GirlGoneDreamer on a regular basis will know that I'm currently writing a novel, during which Emily (my female lead) will learn how to deal with having her heart broken. It's a horrible feeling (the worst) and yet it's something that most of us will go through in life at some point or another. Although we usually come out on the other side that little bit stronger and wiser, it doesn't make going though the experience any less painful. Here are six tips on how to cope with heartbreak and eventually move on:

1. Let It All Out 

This is a hugely important step that shouldn't be skipped. Don't be trying any of this 'brave face' malarkey. You're hurting so you need to let it all out. Trying to bury the pain you're feeling will only come back to bite you when it decides to out at the most inappropriate of times. Trust me when I say I've been there and it's a tad embarrassing.

2. Wallow

Grab a duvet and curl up with a tub of your favourite ice cream and a TV show/movie. My 'go to' preferences when I need to feel good are Grey's Anatomy or Gilmore Girls. My brother prefers Sex And The City, but the point is just to choose whatever makes you feel better.

3. Delete Contact And Keep Busy

When you've stopped crying - which you will - you'll most likely reach the dangerous phase of missing your ex. This is where you have to be strong. Delete all numbers and forms of contact. If you go back now you'll have to go through stages one and two again. Inevitably you'll want to keep checking your phone to see if they've text or rung you. Maybe you'll even want to stalk their Facebook profile. If you want to drive yourself crazy then by all means go ahead, but I suggest that instead you distract yourself and keep busy. Hide your phone. Do things that make you feel good. You don't have to go out if you don't want to but bring your friends to you. Do anything but don't be alone. You might not feel like talking but having company will do you the world of good, plus they'll be there to stop you doing anything daft like leaving drunken voicemail messages.

4. Feel Angry But Don't React

At this stage you'll decide you hate them. You might even want revenge. After all, how dare they fall out of love with you! You gave them a chunk of your life and it's been a complete waste of time! Don't even go there. Don't give them the satisfaction of knowing you're bothered. Trust me when I say that they will only be laughing about it with their mates (when they're not calling you a psycho ex, that is).

5. The 'Blah' Phase

'Blah' to me is feeling nothing towards the person, feeling nothing towards life. Everything all of a sudden seems dull and unexciting. You don't feel love or hate and it's a weird feeling. You're bored, lonely and feel the need to do something because your life now seems emptier and less fulfilled than it was before. Out of confusion you might think you need your ex back, but don't mistake feeling lonely for needing them in your life. You can do this! The aim here is to get you back on track and standing on your own two feet. Congratulations because believe it or not you're now moving on.

6. Socialise With Friends 

Gather your friends round. It's time to celebrate your single status! By now you should be feeling a tad better and maybe even ready to date again? If not then at least join a dating website just so you can chat to prospective takers, it'll give you a much needed confidence boost if nothing else. Meanwhile, if the weather is nice then why not throw a garden party? What better excuse do you need than the brighter weather? I love this time of year and the Rattan Dining Sets from Fishpools* are ideal for Spring/Summer get-togethers. The Margarita* set suitable for eight is my personal favourite and as it's designed to live outdoors in all weather you won't need to faff putting it away. All you'll need to add is the music, friends and wine. Oh and don't forget the pizza! You'll be remembered as the 'hostess with the mostess' all summer long.

Until next time...

Justine xxx

I hope you enjoyed this post. I should point out that I'm not a relationship guru by any means, the above is just some friendly pointers to help you on your way.

*This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Fishpools
All images taken from Fishpools website 


  1. Great post, hun. I remember the first time my heart was broken, it was awful. But these tips are definitely helpful in getting over heartbreak! x x

    1. Thanks hunni. Heartbreak is the worst right? Not something I want to have to go through on a regular basis! Xx


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