Taking Time Out Is Important Too

Hello lovelies. I hope you're having a pleasant day. Today is going to be a short post as I'm spending the day with my sister and nephew, but seeing as I've been on a roll posting three times a week, I didn't want to break the cycle.

Sunday is traditionally a day of rest so when I get back home later I shall be taking some much needed 'time out.' This last week has been crazy busy at work and I'm exhausted.

I have to give Tracy a mention as I know she'll be reading this - *waves hello. She has recently joined our team at the practice and has already become a really good friend. She's literally my new partner in crime! (Don't worry Zoë, you've not been demoted. You're still in that category too!)

I've also been busy working on various projects outside of my day job but that does mean I've left very little time for just relaxing and to be completely honest, I'm not very good at it. I'm someone who likes to keep busy and is always on the go. The only time I probably fully relax is when I'm sleeping. As my friends keep reminding me - see I do pay attention :) - I need to make some time for myself so that I don't burn out. Hence my photo above. I'm going to don my pyjamas and curl up with a book. If you're someone who is also always on the go, make sure you take some time out too.

Wishing you all a lovely and peaceful Sunday.

Justine xxx


  1. Sounds like a lovely Sunday! Taking time out is so essential :)
    Holly x | https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/chronicles-holly-13610625

  2. It's so true, relaxing is so important! You need to take some time out for yourself at least once a week! x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. I'm learning to do this finally! 🙈😂🙌🏻 Xx


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