Blogging On Zero Budget

Like many others the world over, I have debts that I'm trying to pay off and I can't be spending money that I don't actually have. Nor do I want to go out frittering my wage when I've had to make so many cutbacks as it is. What I need is to get myself out of the almighty large hole I've dug and it's going to take time. That said, I still, like a lot of you, have a yearning for success. I want to write, to blog, to achieve my endless lists of goals and I point blank refuse to let my dreams dwindle because of my lack of resources. Plenty of successful people come from nothing and still achieve great things. If they can do it so can we!

Currently I have no laptop and no working camera. I also can't afford to go out every month buying fancy props or the latest 'must have' makeup items to review. Yet here I am still showing you that blogging can be done if you want it enough.

If you're reading this then I'm assuming you have either no budget, are just plain curious or are one of my lovely loyal readers that frequent my blog. Whichever category you fall into I hope this post gives you something useful to take away.

All you really need to run a blog is content, photos and an electronic device to upload all these on. Sounds simple when you put it like that right?
If you're reading this and you've never blogged before but want to give it a whirl, you can join Blogger or Wordpress for free. You can also find many templates online on various sites to download free of charge. (I know Blogger have a few.)


It's a given that the content is purely up to you to provide. If you have no money to buy props or items to review then stick to things you can write about without these. For instance posts on life, personal stories, relationship advice, blogging tips etc. I'll be sharing a post in the near future with plenty of ideas. Just make sure that whatever topic you do choose, that you write passionately about it. Any topic can become a must read when it's written with heart and written well.


You need decent photos. This is another given. For ages (since I began blogging tbh) I struggled as my old phone took such poor quality pictures and I had no clue about stock images. When I look back over posts I'm horrified at some of the photos I've published but it's all a learning curve I suppose. The downside to shoddy looking photos is that your blog will more likely get overlooked and hek that's not what we want right? Alas you need not worry as I'm going to share my secret with you all. Pexels. I can't praise this site enough. Free stock images and you don't even need to credit the photographer. I'm a little weird in that I like to credit EVERYBODY including Pexels so if a photo hasn't been taken by me, it'll always say at the bottom of a post. No point me pretending to be something I am not. I am very much an amateur photographer nor am I ashamed to admit it. If you take only one thing from this post it's that Pexels is worth checking out.


Laptop or computer. PC or Mac. We all need something to upload our posts on. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't have a laptop. Currently? I'm sat typing this at my work computer. Do I like staying later at work? No. But I want to blog and I want to nail my goals so I'll keep on until I can afford to buy the equipment I need. If you don't have a work computer or a laptop you can borrow, then visit your local library. Most have computers with internet access.

And voila. There you have it. The three (or thereabouts) main things you need to get going with a blog even when you have no money.

Did you find this helpful? How do you blog on a budget? Feel free to share your own ideas in the comments section below.

Love from Justine xxx

Images via Pexels


  1. These are useful and really prove that anyone can give blogging a go. Everyone has to start somewhere!

    1. Thanks Chloe. I hope it helps anyone who wants to blog even if they're struggling financially and likewise anyone who maybe even just wants a new source for photos xx

  2. I love this post! Your personality is tearing through and the tips are very helpful.

  3. Great post! Very helpful tips. I LOVE Pexels. Sometimes I write a blog post that I don't have a relevant picture for so I just use Pexels. It's fab. x x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Really interesting post! I tend to use pixabay or pic monkey for stock images so will definitely be giving Pexels a try.

    1. I'll have a nosey at the two you've mentioned. Thanks for your comment Fiona xx

  6. Good stuff. Like some one said, your personality is shinning through your writing!

    1. Awwww what a lovely comment. Thank you so much Sharon xx

  7. Great post! I completely agree, so many people think that blogging on a budget can't be done and they're so wrong! I'm hosted on Wordpress and love all their free templates - there are so many to choose from and customise! Another great thing is that the Wordpress app is so easy to use! I constantly use it to blog on the go using my university's free wifi! Can't wait to read your content ideas post! xx

    1. Thank you Katie. I'm moving over to Wordpress so I'll check out that app. Content ideas post coming this Thursday xxx

  8. Wow I love this post! I hate taking my own pictures, even though I'm trying really hard with photography, but there are some great tips here, so thank-you!

  9. I loved this post - as someone on a tight budget and credit cards to pay off I worried that when I started blogging I wouldn't be able to "keep up" . I take pics using my iPhone 6, my boyfriend was extremely generous and bought me a mac as my old laptop was dying. I don't get the whole photo prop thing - i love other people's flatlays etc but for me I don't like have random items around my house etc.

    fab post :) xo

    1. I know what you mean. I'm trying to declutter and become more minimalistic - long way to go - but I wouldn't want excess items around my house for the sake of it. Plus it's a waste of money if they're bought just for one photo. That's why I love Pexels. I do love taking photos when I have something worth photographing but I'm more into photographing buildings/architecture and the great outdoors xx

  10. Pexels sounds really useful! I love using Canva to make blog headers when I cant take photos.

    Abigail Alice 💕

    1. Oooh thanks for the tip, I'll have to check that out xx


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