These are a few of my favourite things...

Handful of favourites! 

Here we are once more, another Friday evening. Typically I have left it to the last minute to get this post uploaded. That's me, always on the last minute. And unlike me I didn't have chance to write this longhand first, it's been a busy week all in all. So forgive me if there are any mistakes, I'm literally winging it!
I hope you've all had a fabulous week? As always, thankyou for all your lovely messages, and thankyou to those who messaged me about 'Murphy's Mother.' I have passed on your comments to my resident book reviewer! I must say, I think she did a marvellous job considering it was her very first post. Can't wait to read more!
So over the last few weeks I've noticed that many bloggers post 'favourites' specials. Usually a collection of all the lovely items they've bought and loved over the previous month. With that in mind I decided to do my own favourites post... but with a twist. As I haven't really given much insight into 'me' yet, I decided to share with you just a few of my 'general' favourite things. If you enjoy this post I may do a follow up in future so please do let me know what you think.
Here we go... Sit back with a brew (or glass of wine) and enjoy...


It goes without saying that books are at the top of my list, or at least very high up on it! I've loved reading ever since I was a child. I've pictured only a few of my most loved reads here as it would have been impossible to list them all. Two of the books featured have huge significance for me. The first is an Enid Blyton novel. It was Enid's books that sparked something inside of me at the grand old age of seven. I think I knew there and then that I wanted to be a writer. I certainly filled a lot of notepads with stories. Every Birthday and every Christmas I'd ask for new stationery. However it would be a long time before I would get really serious about it.
'Watermelon' by Marian Keyes was the next 'life-changing' read. I can't put into words why exactly, just that it inspired me to pick up a pen and take my writing more seriously. I found my 'niche' so to speak. (And a love for all things chick lit.) This is one of Marian's best novels and I totally recommend it.


Friends are a hugely important aspect of life and I'm lucky that I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for. Without them I wouldn't be the person I am today. Many a time they've been there to pick me up when I've had a down spell or what I like to call a 'slump.' Some of my favourite memories are of the laughs and good times I've shared with them. Girls... You rock! 


I don't class myself as being very materialistic but I do however have a love of perfume! There's something about it that makes me feel better about myself. The first 'real' perfume I ever bought was with my first pay check at nineteen. I splashed out on a bottle of Chanel Allure which has since become my signature scent. My second favourite perfume is Marc Jacobs Lola (shown above). As you can see it's empty but the bottle is so pretty I just can't bring myself to throw it out. I tend to like heavier, musky perfumes that make me feel glamorous!

Cath Kidston

I absolutely adore Cath Kidston. Full of craft and sewing items it's my kind of place. If you can't find me in Waterstones then you'll more than likely find me in here! This photo was taken outside the Manchester store which is the nearest to where I live. (Hint. Please get one in Preston!!)

The Great Outdoors

One of my favourite places to be is outside. The Lake District in particular! If I could live there I probably would. Maybe one day hey? I find being outdoors both incredibly therapeutic and inspiring.

Wine and Music

Who doesn't like the odd glass of wine? I love nothing more than curling up at the end of a long, hard day with a glass of white wine or pink fizz. 

Music plays a big role in my life. I have hundreds of cds. I play them in the car, at home, when I'm relaxing and when I'm writing. If I need to lift my mood or feel inspired I usually reach for my Taylor Swift collection! I'd like to stake claim at being her number one fan but I'm sure there are plenty more Swifties out there saying exactly the same thing! 


The snowman tree decorations (pictured) were made the Christmas eve just gone. I was teaching my eight year old nephew. His is on the left handside. He did a beautiful job don't you think? I've loved sewing ever since I discovered a needle and thread aged six or seven. Every year I now make a Christmas Stocking as a gift for a family member or friend. If you've read my 'about me' you'll already know this, but one of my dreams is to have my own fashion line and at some point a bridal shop. But you know what they say!? Dreams do come true! Watch this space...

Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme doughnuts... Enough said!!


Last but not least... Writing. I guess you could say writing is in my genetic makeup. I take a pen and pad with me EVERYWHERE! And if I don't have a notepad to hand, I usually end up with handfuls of scribbled post-it notes stuffed into my pockets! I never let a creative moment pass me by. 
I do love this photo as I think it sums me up perfectly without any words! My nephew caught me unawares. I tend to get lost in my own little world!

I could go on but I don't want to make this post too long. At some point I'm going to do a Q&A post to answer all your questions. If you want to ask something and you don't mind it featuring on GGD then please email me, tweet me or leave a comment below.

Catch you all in another week... Until then, have a lovely weekend! xxx


  1. I also always bring a pen and pad with me! If not then I use my phone to write down the stuff so I won't forget! I liked reading this! Feels like I got to know you a little better =)

    1. Awww thankyou Kayla, that was my aim. I may do a follow up soon Xx
      P.s I'd love to read some of your work one day!! Xx

  2. It was the photo of Enid Blyton's book which enticed me to read this post. I too, love/d that book. Saucepan Man and Mr. Whatziname, such wonderful memories. I haven't read Watermelon, but I have read many of Jodi Picoult's books, which were also pictured.
    Lovely post, I can totally relate to all the things that you like in this post.

    1. Enid Blyton brings back so many memories for me too. Glad you felt you could relate. Means I 'hit the nail on the head' so to speak. I wanted people to get to know the person behind the blog. Thankyou so much for your lovely comment Amanda! Xx

  3. This was such a lovely post! I am obsessed with Cath Kidston as well and adore Taylor Swift - I've had her album on repeat ever since I bought it...which was quite a while ago oops haha!
    Becky.xo ||

    1. Thanks Becky! Glad you liked. It was the first of this kind so I was worried people would be bored reading about me. It seems to have gone down quite well though. I'm so lucky to have such lovely readers. And snap... I've also had TS on repeat!! HUGE fan! Xx


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